Remedy picture as described in traditional homoeopathic texts.
This remedy is mainly indicated for persistent nausea and vomiting. There is a sensitivity to noise, the person feels chilly and irritable and averse to eating. It is useful when symptoms come one after eating unripened fruits in summer or spasmodic chest symptoms during a period of cold, dry north winds. All ailments are accompanied with nausea and profuse saliva in the mouth. There may be a tendency towards nosebleeds or other blood losses that are accompanied by nausea. Symptoms may follow cold nights after hot days.
Mental/Emotional symptoms Physical symptoms can come on after emotional upsets, sadness, embarrassment or repressed anger. They can be hard to please.
Physical symptoms
Head: Headaches with nausea and vomiting with pain in the skull as if bruised, as if brain were compressed, painful pressure on the forehead, pain may extend to the teeth and tongue. Pain in the occiput, and or cold sweat on forehead.
Face: Bluish discolouration about the face; or one side pale, the other red.
Eyes: Inflamed and red; shooting pain through eyeballs, nausea when looking at moving objects.
Chest: Chest symptoms with associated nausea. Feeling of constriction in the chest and attacks of violent coughing with every breath. Loose, coarse rattle in chest without expectoration. Suffocative coughs. Dry spasmodic coughs that end in choking and gagging.
Stomach: Aversion to all food, constant vomiting, nausea not better for vomiting. Cutting pains around navel. Diarrhoea after consuming unripened fruit or too much fruit. Ailments from over-eating ice-cream, pork, rich foods, salad or fats.
Female: Vomiting during pregnancy, pain from navel to uterus.
Pains: Cutting, clutching, drawing griping pains worse around the navel. Spasms of pains which bend the back forward or back; shooting pains from kidneys to front of thighs, cramps between scapulae.
Spasmodic pains with nausea
Constant nausea, vomiting does not relieve
Morning sickness, travel sickness, asthma
Spasmodic, hoarse cough.
Dry or with rattling phlegm
Nausea and vomiting with cough
Bright red profuse bleeding with nausea
Excessive salivation, especially in babies
Exciting causes
Symptoms come on after anger
Over stimulation
Taking cold
Better: Firm pressure; rest with the eyes closed; warmth
Worse: Cold; heat; food; periodically while lying down
Desires: Delicacies; sweets; cold drinks
Aversions: All food especially pork and veal; smell of food
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